Exclamatrocious Stravaganzestival
End Plugs
Elimination Chamber
Empty Lifestyle
Extra Pizzazz
Eye Miss Mike
Eight Tribes Of Boob
Environmentally Unsound
Entropy <--10/1/05's Chosen Rookie Submission c/o Jane D* :)
Erectoral College
Eighth Place Debut
Epstein's Mother
Elegant Rigatoni
End Around
Elastic Waste Band
Extra Coverage
Evangelical Deviled Eggs
Enchiladas For Breakfast
Eerie Red Slit
Edwina Cutwater
Everything Leather
Endless Mountain Girls
The Engine That Could
Sweet And Meaty
Epic Disillusionment
Empty Ambition
Escape The Fate
Executive Love Eggs
Extension Sheath
Exotic Fruit (Sniff Cover Band)
El Groucho
Exchanging Fluids
Erection Day
Erotic Set
Ez Pleaser
Erotic Thrillers
Expandable Pants
Elastic Waistline
Earhurtaphlees : The God Of Rock
Engaging In Variations
Ear Delicious
Eating Up The Asphalt
Extra Inseam
Edgey Folk Music
Evil Rights
Endorsed By Dad
End The Misery
Euro Hookers
Elfen Magik
Expect An Apology
Entering The Fort
Exploding Piece Of Schlock
Ex-And-Death Mess
Experimental Operation
The Egg Beaters
Extra Fare
Estranged From Reality
Entertaining & Sexy
Envy, Sedition, & Strife Trio
Eternal Damn Euros
Empty Dancecard Holders
Eroding Dreams
Evil Pants
Electric Rodney
Funk Muff'ers
Ernest Highway And The Idots
Eight Inch Ebony (The Greatest Funk Band Name- You Better Bring The Funk)
. *..............*..............*
And Many More To Come !